Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Have I Mentioned...


I do, I really do. I love the lights (which is a good things my honey drives most of the time I tend to get a bit distracted), the pretty paper, giving people gifts that they love, feeling all warm & fuzzy inside...Yeah, I totally love Christmas.

For Kaidyn we built him am awesome box fort (we had so much fun building it and he loved it):

Mom, Michelle & I built my brother a sewer out of boxes for a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle themed birthday party one year. he and all his friends loved it.
We got Miss Bella (AKA: Miss Fashionista) a pink wig to play dress up in.
We got another niece and nephew the same blocks we got Sophia since they were such a hit for her.
For Sophia & Keegan we are going to contribute a little bit to their college funds (I know boring, but the Rosenmeier's don't have tons of space soooo...)
My Honey got me a fabu purse (I have been wanting a new one for ages), a gorgeous pearl necklace and blingy tennis bracelet (he did super good)
We also got one of those digital picture frames and some other fun stuff.
I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Update your blog already!!! Crikey.

Anonymous said...

This is BS. Still no update. I'm dying a slow, painful blogless death. I long for the sweet, sweet words of inspiration and rapant cynicism