Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Belly is Getting Bigger, & Bigger, & Bigger...

Okay, so when I did my little video of my belly for you all, what was that last week or something? I thought my belly was big. I think my belly doubled last night while I was sleeping. At work today I caught a reflection of myself from the side and the thought that ran though my head was, "OH my goodness I am HUGE!" (yes I think in capital letters). The next thought was, "I don't think I was this big when I went to bed last night."

So here are a few new belly pictures for you to enjoy or giggle or out right laugh at:

On a totally random note...I voted for the first time ever this year. I called Chris after I was finished and was feeling ridiculously proud of myself. The whole experience was a good one. There was a super nice lady behind me that chatted with me while we waited. There was a funny old man behind her that was making comments about the people that were up at the voting thingys.

Also totally random...I have fogotten how much I like York Peppermint Patties.


Shannon said...

I love your pic and blog! :)

Beautiful baby bubble ya got! hah

Anonymous said...

The Blog Nazi loves the belly!!!!