Sunday, October 5, 2008


We signed up for the the "Prepared Childbirth and Baby Care Class" offered by the Women's Hospital. This last Thursday was our first class...and it was fun. It was fun because Chris was being silly. I love when he is silly.

Just for the record, we did pay attention to everything the nurse was saying and paid attention to the video that was shown.

The video had some strange graphics in it. It was all CGI kinda stuff with the lead ins to new topics and the baby looked a little Linda Blair (Exorcist) to me. Then the people in the video were kinda funny too. We made jokes about them and the animation.

After the video we did a breathing exercise. Nurse Hatler told our "Coaches" to place their hand on our chests to count the number of times we breathe...Chris placed his on my boob. Nurse Hatler caught him.

I have a new video of Squirrel eating (he is the loudest eater ever), but the batteries are dead in the camera...I will share later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Blog Nazi is still waiting for video . . . . and waiting . . . . and waiting . . . . .