Jessica was at the art museum in Washington and she saw a picture of a turtle. So, being the cool friend that she is and trying to be Miss Sneaky, she took a picture with her cell phone. She did this all the while knowing there were no "flash" pictures allowed (hey the cell doesn't have a flash on it, I would've risked it too), none-the-less, the guard yelled at her. But, she did get the picture...WOO HOO!!!!!
After she leaves the museum, she sends it to my cell phone. When it gets to my phone, nothing happens. I just have this message that won't do anything. It asks me to download, but nothing, nada, zip, zilch. Now I can't send or receive text messages....YIKES! I call customer service.
Okay, maybe not quite that dramatic.
I proceed to tell the rep what is happening. He asks if I have tried powering the phone off/then back on and removing/replacing the battery (you'd be amazed at that battery thingy, it cures a lot of things for your phone). I told him that I had, a few times in fact. He then tells me that it sounds like the file that was sent to me was corrupted. He says that I can try a "Master Reset" on my phone, but most likely I will have to do a "Master Clear." This will wipe my phone out entirely. Phone numbers, pictures, ring tones...all gone. I tell him he has got to be kidding me, this is a little joke. "Uh, no ma'am", is the reply.
Now there is an upside to all of this. A few years ago before SIM cards, I got a new phone and already have a decent list of names and phone numbers for my cell. All I need to do is update my list before I clear my phone. Sad news, I will lose all my pictures. I hadn't gotten around to sending them all to my e-mail yet. Good news, Michelle has a few of them that I want.
Here is the picture that started all this:

So, was it all worth it? HECK YEAH!!!!! Thanks Jess!
Edit: FYI, Master Clear on your mobile phone will clear everything including your SIM card.
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