Saturday, September 8, 2007

Cleaning & Othe Misc. Bits

Well folks, I did it. Clothing - done, Sheets - done, Dishes - Done, Blankets - mostly done. I feel such a sense of accomplishment. Now that the laundry is caught up it not quite so overwhelming. Thursday will be laundry day from here on out. Whew!

One of my sub-goals for my vacation was to get my living room completed and my guest room completed. Well, living room yes, guest room - almost. Here are some pics of what I got done:

This is before and after on my mantle. The top is the same, however, I did de-clutter the bookcase along the side. We had a ton of pictures on there & I just pared them down.

This the rest of the bookcase attached to the mantle. Once again just did some de-cluttering.

This (obviously) is the wall over my couch. I was pretty please with how it turned out.
We have a ton of blankets, so many we have a hard time finding a home for them. Then I remembered we had a wicked laundry hamper upstairs we weren't using (we have a laundry chute, so we don't have much use for hampers). So, I brought the hamper the living room and am storing the extra blankets in there.

Wow! Lookee, no more clutter!

I got to spend some QT Bella this week. Chris & I planted some Mountain Sage at the end of our drive way about a month ago now. When Michelle & Bella were over one day I made a huge deal out of it, thus prompting Bella to ask me to teach her how to plant stuff. I am not a green thumb. Any plant that is alive on our property is because of Chris. Of course I told Bella I would be more then happy to.

This then sent me into a panic. How in the world can I do this? Then logic stepped in. I promised I would teach her how to plant something, not necessarily that it would stay alive. Thinking long & hard, I decided we needed a perennial plant and chose Tulips.

So, Tuesday after picking Bella up from school, I took her home & tried to teach her about planting. Having gotten some potting soil, Tulips bulbs, and some Mums (figured needed something she could see now & later) we went forth to plant. So, in our planter, we filled the bottom with soil (each of us with one gloved had, I only had one pair), then helped her the take the Mums from it's pot to the planter and fill in around it with dirt. We then added the Tulip bulbs around the out side. Hmmmmm...we shall see.

On a random not: I love Hot Tamales & Maple Nut Goodies!

1 comment:

Andi said...

Glad the decluttering went so well. I went over my bookshelves with a steady hand and a trash bag and de-nick-knacked not long ago. It feels good.

Love the Bella time. Lovely mums.